企业信息 (编号:491405)
所在地:中国 中国 浙江 金华 荷叶塘工业区金辉路9号

义乌市饰维伊工艺品有限公司是一家以饰品开发、生产、销售、贸易为主体的综合性公司。公司厂房面积10000平方米,自2002年成立至今一直保持强劲的发展势头,凭借自身*的实力现已初具集团化规模。公司主要产品有发夹、皇冠、项链、胸花、耳环、戒指等十几大类数万个品种,并可根据客户要求开发相关产品。公司生产的饰品款式独特新颖深受国内外消费者的喜爱,远销美国、英国、菲律宾、欧洲、巴拿马等十几个国家和地区。优美的厂区环境、丰富的制造经验、*的生产技术在同行中赢得良好口碑,以*快的速度力争时尚潮流先锋。 饰维伊饰品本着“以人为本、科技创新”的发展理念、“笃实诚信”的企业精神,以“品质创优”为经营理念,期待与您携手并进,共创美好明天。Zhejiang. FYM Ornaments Co., Ltd. is an integrative company engaged in ornaments design, production, sales and as well as trade. Since established in 2002, our company has been developing quickly and reposefully. Relying on powerful productivity and perfect facilities it has developed into a group of multi-orientation at high speed.Our company specializes in the production of jewelries such as hairpins, crowns, necklaces, brooches, earrings, and rings etc. more than 10 categories and thousands of varieties. We can design and develop new products according to customer's requirements. Because of novel and original patterns, they are popular with consumers and salable all over the Chinese market, especially export to more than 10 countries and areas including USA, Russia, South East Asia and the Middle East. Graceful factory, rich manufacturing and outstanding production techniques make our company superior to jewelry industry and get the newest information of the world jewelry vogue trend.

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