企业信息 (编号:2069312)
所在地:中国 中国 福建 福州 鳌峰街道鳌江路8号万达广场二期C1写字楼303室

福建润驰进出口有限公司成立于2012年,是韩国三联贸易中国区采购总部,也是大中华区*一家指定进出口贸易代理公司,旗下还有福建润驰文化用品有限公司,主营产品包括:学生用品、办公用品、体育用品等。 本公司自营和代理各类商品和技术的进出口,金属材料(不含贵重金属)、建材、钢材、家具、计算机软硬件及耗材、通讯器材(不含无线电发射装置和地面卫星接收设施)、电子产品、五金交电(不含电动自行车)、包装材料、针纺织品、皮革制品、服装鞋帽、箱包、化妆品、纸制品、工艺品、玩具、家用电器、化工原料及产品,办公用品、体育用品、日用百货、汽车配件、塑胶及其制品的批发、代购代销。主要贸易地区是东南亚,中东,欧洲,日本,韩国和越南等地区。 公司以提供海内外优良产品为基础,结合全方位的进出口代理服务,向着复合型全球贸易商的目标稳步前进。本公司有同行消费者朋友的大力支持,在以后的日子里我们将更加努力,把好的创意、产品提供给大家,让你用合适的成本获取的效益。 福建润驰进出口有限公司愿与您携手合作,互惠互利,共同走向辉煌。 The company with independent legal personality of import and export trade agency . We are also the China Procurement Department of Korea Sanlian trade . Our business includes import and export trade of commodity and technology , the whole journey serve of import and export , customs clearance , Entry-Exit inspection and quarantine serve , commodity warehousing and packaging ,international cargo express service ,purchase enterprise products from inside and outside , promote products in the international market position and so on . We import and export all types of goods and technology by self-management and agentsincluding metal materials , building materials , rolled steel , furniture , software and hardware material of the computer , communications equipment , electronic products , wujinjiaodian , packing materials , needle textiles , leather products , clothing shoes , hats, bags, cosmetics, paper products, handicrafts, toys, household appliances, chemical raw materials products , office supplies, sports supplies, daily provisions, auto parts , plastic and its products wholesale , purchase and sales commission and so on . Our main trade area is southeast Asia , Middle East , Europe , Japan , Korea , Vietnam and Russia .

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