企业信息 (编号:20196995)
所在地:中国 莒南县大店工业园

公司简介 公司位于素有“山东小延安”之称的莒南县大店镇的镇西工业园。地理位置*、交通十分便利,北距可与京沪高速公路相连接的日东高速仅18公里,西距临沂商贸城40公里,东距青岛港160公里,公司占地面积2000平方米,拥有固定资产近1200万元,公司现有员工160人,科技人员12名。 本公司生产、加工、销售的双包塑锤柄质量稳定、价格适宜,赢得了客户的好评产品主要销往东南亚、欧美等地,以及国内各大中小城市。 公司技术力量*,制造工艺*、设备先进、计量工具、检测设备完善,有专业的研发的团队与模具开发团队。我公司特别注重环保工程,配套的环保设备,生产流程等都达到环保部门的要求。 我们本着只有客户的成功,才有锦润的发展,没有好只有更好的精神,树立品牌意识,一如既往为客户提供过硬的产品。以完善的服务与客户真诚合作,使我们共同踏入辉煌的明天。公司多年来的发展得益于广大用户和业内人士的支持和厚爱,在此表示衷心的感谢. 公司总经理庄会军热忱欢迎全国各地新老客户前来指导参观洽谈业务! Company is located in known as “the small Yanan in Shandong" at Da Dian Zhen Junan west Town Industrial Park。The geographical position is superior。The geographical position is superior, My company production of double coated glass fiber handle stable quality, reasonable price, won the overwhelming majority of customers, products are mainly exported to Southeast Asia, America, and the domestic medium and small city. Company has strong technical strength,Exquisite workmanship. Advanced equipment、Measuring instrument testing equipment。Have a professional R & D team and Mould development team, Our company is paying special attention to environmental protection engineering,he supporting environmental protection equipment. In the development of the company only customer success is Jin run,No best but better mental, We in line with only a client's success, only the development of Jin run, there is no best but better Spirit, establish brand awareness, as in the past to provide excellent productsfor customers. With customers with perfect service and sincere cooperation, so that together

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