企业信息 (编号:1608386)
所在地:中国 东莞市虎门镇路东宁州路3号

东莞市虎门世通达文教用品厂座落于世界制造业名城-中国广东省东莞市;是一家集研发、制造、到销售和售后服务为一体的专业生产厂家。我们专业生产广告彩·儿童颜料·画材·DIY益智产品,产品远销欧美市场并深受市场的欢迎。我们的产品均采用国外先进的配方,选用优质的材料,经过精密的过程控制而制成,所有的产品具有优良的绘画效果并*符合世界公认的严格安全标准,如美国ASTMD4263和欧洲EN74标准等。 公司以客户和市场为导向,以研制卓越和优质产品为已任,秉持严谨的工作作风,质量*的品质意识,顾客至上、一丝不苟的服务态度,得到了顾客和众多的优秀供应商的认可和信任,为公司赢得了大量的海外客户长期稳定的合作协议,成为公司稳固健康发展的坚实基础。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 Oursart Art supplies Co., LTD is located in the world manufacturing city - Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China; is a research and development, manufacturing, to sales and after-sales service as one of professional manufacturers. We specialized in the production poster child paint painting materials DIY puzzle products, products are exported to Europe and the United States market and was well received by the market. Our products are advanced formulations, use of quality materials, through the precise process control and All the products have excellent drawing effect and absolutely in line with strict safety standards recognized worldwide, like the United States ASTMD4236 and European EN71 standards. Our company has 10 years of production experience, now the products we can supply including : Acrylic paint、 glitter glue、Water color Set、Window Color、poster paint、fabric paint、ceramic paint 、art supplies paints 、3D paint 、greeting cards, super clay ? White glue ?Fridge Magnets ?wooden、Plaster 、Ceramic DIY toys Etc. Look forward to hearing from you.

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