企业信息 (编号:2959852)
所在地:中国 江苏省连云港经济技术开发区朝阳镇前进路南首

连云港爱康食品有限公司是集果蔬冷冻、保鲜、罐头生产为一体的专业生产厂家,公司主要产品有:冷冻、保鲜果蔬产品、果蔬罐头(黄桃罐头、什锦水果罐头、梨罐头、白桃罐头、草莓罐头、杏罐头等),产品主要出口欧美,日本,韩国,以色列等国家和地区。公司按照《出口食品厂、库卫生要求》及有关卫生规范规定设计车间及卫生设施,建立相关产品卫生质量保证体系,保证公司生产质量安全,现已通过ISO22000:2005质量管理体系认证、HACCP食品安全认证,STAR-K认证,BRC认证。Lianyungang AiKang Food Co.,Ltd is located in Lianyungang development zone. We specialize in processing and exporting various kinds of canned fruits as well as quick-frozen fresh vegetables and fruits such as canned peaches, canned pears, canned strawberries, canned apricots, and fruit cocktails. We have our own inspecting and testing laboratory. In full accordance with the relevant provisions of "health requirements for exporting food plants", our workshop, warehouse and sanitation facilities are strictly designed to establish Health and Quality Assurance System and control Health and quality strictly. Our annual production for both canned and quick-frozen food could reach to 8000tons; those foods are exported to America, Europe, Japan, and the Middle East with a good credit and reputation, and are popular in other foreign markets. Relaying on predominant geography advantage, we have our own fruit base for about 4,100 acres of orchards, which can fully meet our annual production. Now we have attained HACCP, BRC (B), STAR-K, and ISO certifications. We are firmly convinced that our success is based on clients' satisfaction. Lianyungang Aikang Food Co., Ltd. is looking forward to establishing long-term and stable trade relations and cooperation with domestic and foreign businessmen and will make joint efforts to the long-term development of food industry!

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